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Children's DISC Personality Assessment - Online Assessment with Custom report


This is a DISC assessment, designed specially for children aged 9 to 12. The assessment provides parents with an insight into their child's individual wiring, and to provide a non-judgemental, objective framework for parents, caregivers and teachers to have a positive, reaffirming discussion on their child's strengths, communication style, and motivational preferences.


This is an assessment that is done online and in the comfort of your home or school. Reports are prepared by our Certified Behavioural Consultants and sent to you via email. 


Enhancing Communication between Adult and Child - Online Assessment and Custom Reports


Learning about the inner workings of your child / student's mind is invaluable on many fronts. But just understanding the child is only half the picture, as the adult needs to understand his or herself too. The adult is the key driver to being able to foster a mutual understanding of one another, and with mastery of both your unique personalities, you are able to support one another in augmenting your strengths, and being able to deal with your weaknesses, while stretching out of your comfort zones to develop adaptability and people skills.


We will be providing a DISC Personality Assessment for 1 adult and a DISC Personality Assessment for a Child  (suitable for children age 9 to 12). Upon completion of both assessments, our Certified Behavioural Consultants will analyse both asessments and provide a detailed report on both individuals as well as a custom report on enhancing communication between both individuals. 


We provide the option of a 1-on-1 Consultation for this program as well. 


DISC Personality Assessment - Online Assessment with Custom Report


This assessment is suitable for youths (Age 12 and above) and adults. It will be done online and uses the principles of DISC Personalities and its a comprehensive report, used for understanding yourself and others, giving insight and in-depth information about your behaviour, motivation and team thinking style. You will be able to do this assessment in the comfort of your home or office.


The Report includes Understanding Your Personality Style, Communication Style - Dos and Don'ts, Motivations and Goals, Value to the Team, Reaction to Pressure, Work Values styles,  Areas for Improvement, Your Strengths in Leadership. 


Upon purchase, we will be in touch with you via email with a link and the necessary instructions for the assessment. It will be done online and will take approximately 10 minutes of your time. Once complete, we will be informed via the system and and will then prepare a customised report for you within 5 business days. The report will be sent to you via email. 


All Discovering Potential assessment reports are prepared and analysed  by Certified Behavioural Consultants and will be done in confidence. 

Individualized Parenting and
Children's Personalities Workshop


A workshop for parents on how parenting can become more effective, by not treating every child the same way.


Every child has their own unique personality - they treasure different values, they react to external motivation and criticsm differently, they have their own natural strengths, and most importantly, they are their own person. They may share the genes of their parents and siblings, but each child is unique. 


According to parenting scholars Craig Hart and Lloyd Newell of Brigham Young University, wise parents realize that every child requires an individualized parenting approach. They “work to adjust, relate to, and rear each child in a manner that is somewhat tempered to individual needs".


In this workshop, we share how as parents we can be cognizant of the behavioural traits of our children, adapt accordingly and find a fit between the child's personality and the parent's personality. And how by enhancing the awareness the parent of both their own and their child's personalities, parents can create an optimal environment for the child's development, and build strong parent/child relationships. 


We will explore the concept of the DISC Personality styles, and use the DISC approach to provide parents with a tool to work towards individualised parenting. 


This workshop is suitable for parents of young children and youths, and can be tailored towards teachers and youth leaders.


The workshop runs for 2 hours (we can run a "taster" version for those who require a 1 hour workshop). Workshop pricing will depend on the client's requirements for duration and number of pax. Please email us for bookings and inquiries. We are a registered GEBIZ trading partner.

I AM ME - Children and Youth Workshop


Suitable for children and youth aged 9 years and above, this is a group workshop designed for schools, clubs, youth groups and more. This is a 3 hour session that is interactive, fun and yet effective in imparting key skills to develop their own maturity in augmenting their people skills. To keep the session effective, this session is a small group session of up to 10 pax. For larger group sizes, please contact us at 



We strive to share two key themes during this workshop:


1. To develop the idea of "knowing thyself is the beginning of all wisdom"​

2. To develop understanding of uniqueness in personalities and develop people skills

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