D,I, S, C - are the 4 alphabets we use a lot when doing your personality profiling. Each alphabet essentially represents one personality type. There is no one exact word that each alphabet represents but we use it merely as a representation of the behaviours that belong to the four personality groups.
D (Dominance), I (Influence), S (Steadiness), C (Compliance)
Ref: Martin_Ellis
The 4 categories above are the 4 basic personality styles, but most of us do not fall neatly into just one of these categories. Some of us have a blend of 2 styles, some 3 styles, and some styles only emerge during times of stress. Evaluating your different styles based on times of public perception, high stress moments, and your own idea of your style is what we are able to assist you with. You can imagine what its like when someone who is a pure D style (Dominant) works with a pure C style (Compliance) - the D personality will want to complete the task quickly, driving it aggressively for results, with little patience for the details. The C style individual will want to know all the details, will take their time to ensure that the process is correct and accuracy is absolutely key. Without maturity and understanding of yourself and of others, this is potentially a situation that causes conflict and misunderstanding. And yet, when individuals with differing personalities work well together, the result of being able to overcome their difference will create superior quality of work and incredible outcomes, simply because they were different. DISC allows us to work towards being able to communicate better, understand differences and achieve better results.
Using DISC allows us to take an objective view of a person - focusing on values and motivations, rather than skills and knowledge. When used in large corporates, it becomes one of the tools in your tool kit, to build better teams, understand one another better and achieve better outcomes. It is important to note that DISC is not about right or wrong, but it is definitely one tool among others that one can use to validate or provide a point of reference for corporates who are using it as a recruitment/team building tool.