Effective communication with 1-on-1 coaching
The range of Communication Skills challenges differ for each client. This is why we specialise in 1-on-1 coaching, so that each session is tailored specifically to the clients' needs. We have the experience and expertise in coaching young children who struggle to convey their thoughts verbally during everyday conversations and/or during oral examinations, including their PSLE Oral examinations. We are also able to coach adults who seek to discover better ways of building rapport and communicate better with those around them.
We combine techniques from our specialisation in Communication Skills, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and leverage on our expertise in Personalities and Behaviours to create a session that is specific to you. ​
This session will start with a DISC personality assessment (to be completed online), followed by a 1-on-1 coaching session. During this session, we are able to provide insight into your communication preferences, and provide guidance on how you can enhance your communication skills by identifying and understanding the personality of others. We discuss strengths, motivational factors, needs and how unlocking insight into all this provides us with the ability to communicate better with others.
Specific techniques and strategies, including NLP techniques that are suitable for your unique personality type will be coached as well, so that you are able to continue practicing and enhance your own communication skills after the session.
For specific communication requirements such as for the PSLE Oral examination, we utilise techniques to enhance the student's level of being able to perform well during Stimulus Based Discussions. Proper in-depth exposure to the various themes that are commonly used for discussion as well as enhancing the student's confidence level and predictive abilities of question type is our specialisation.
As communication skills are very broad based, please feel free to email us at info@discoveringpotential.com.sg to find out more.

PSLE Oral 1-on-1 Coaching
Every student will face their own unique challenges when it comes to performing well during their PSLE Oral Examination. This is why we coach our young clients individually, providing them with fully customised sessions and addressing what challenges them most. The range of possible challenges can range from lack of confidence, unfamiliarity with certain topics, lack of experience in predicting questions, confined range of vocabulary, inability to deliver their ideas, tonality control and so on.
Depending on the student, the sessions can focus only on Stimulus Base Discussions and/or Reading, depending on the requirement. For Stimulus Based Discussions, we utilise techniques to enhance the student's level of being able to perform well. Performing well in the Stimulus Based Discussions involves critical thinking, language skills, delivery skills, communication skills and confidence. Proper in-depth exposure to the various themes that are commonly used for past PSLE examinations as well as enhancing the student's confidence level and predictive abilities of question type is our specialisation.
A report is provided after every session, to complement the session itself and to highlight areas of practice required.
We coach via Zoom or in-person. Both methods are equally effective, with Zoom sessions offering greater time convenience especially during their critical Primary 6 year.
PSLE Oral 1-on-1 Coaching sessions can be interchanged with DSA Interview 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions within a package of sessions. For more information on DSA Interview 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions, click here
Reviews from parents (Google Review):
"I initially signed up for DSA interview skill sessions (1-on-1) for my daughter. Based on the videos that was provided after each session, I can see that my daughter gained confidence and improved after each session. As I was pleased with the result, I went on to sign up for PSLE Oral Coaching sessions as well. My daughter really enjoys her sessions. Siew Ling provided great guidance and encouragement that enabled my daughter to perform well for her DSA interview and Prelim Oral. She received a confirmed offer by SOTA and her Prelim Oral improved by 2 grades! I’m certain she will perform well for her PSLE oral as well. Thank you very much, Siew Ling! I will not hesitate to recommend Siew Ling to my friends!"
"I am writing this email to tell you a piece of good news! Y has received full marks in his English Oral test in his Mid-year Examination. Thanks so much for your great help! He really improved a lot after all your lessons with him. Many thanks!"